Topics covered in A Defence of the Bible

  1. Is There Any Truth in Other Religions?
  2. Is There Scientific Support for the Theory of Evolution?
  3. Is There Any Scientific Support for Biblical Creation?
  4. Can the Bible Withstand Scientific Scrutiny?
  5. The Bible and Prophecy
  6. Did Jesus Really Live, Die and Rise from the Dead?

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About A Defence of the Bible

This book is a compilation of six talks that Dr Gary Baxter gave concerning the relevance of the Bible in the light of modern science. As a consequence, each chapter is complete within itself and can be read separately. However, there is a continuity to the whole book. The purpose of writing the book was to encourage believers and challenge sceptics.

In compiling this book, I have tried to keep it small enough so that if it was used as a tool for evangelism, it could be read in a few sittings. At the same time, it was necessary for it to be comprehensive in including information that would encourage believers and at the same time challenge non-believers and those who may be seeking.

A book could be written on each chapter and there are many such books. In fact there is so much information in the literature that the most difficult task has been deciding what to leave out and in some cases I have referred the reader to another book or website if more information is required.
I have been at pains to reference each bit of new information introduced so that it can be checked with the original source or at least be traced to the original source. The references are included at the bottom of each page so that the reader can, at a glance, see where the statement came from.
Technical terms and arguments are only used where necessary and every attempt has been made to write in such a way that non-technically trained people can understand the point being made. Images have been used wherever possible in order to provide more information and to validate that something written about does actually exist.

Comments, especially those that may improve this book, are sought and welcomed.

  • 186 full color pages
  • 196 images
  • 584 footnotes
  • schematics
  • drawings and tables
  • 250 source references
  • appendices
  • index
  • unless stated, no author’s opinions, just facts

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Topics covered in A Defence of the Bible

  1. Is There Any Truth in Other Religions?
  2. Is There Scientific Support for the Theory of Evolution?
  3. Is There Any Scientific Support for Biblical Creation?
  4. Can the Bible Withstand Scientific Scrutiny?
  5. The Bible and Prophecy
  6. Did Jesus Really Live, Die and Rise from the Dead?

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Word Bookstores
To buy online or locate your nearest store visit

About A Defence of the Bible

This book is a compilation of six talks that Dr Gary Baxter gave concerning the relevance of the Bible in the light of modern science. As a consequence, each chapter is complete within itself and can be read separately. However, there is a continuity to the whole book. The purpose of writing the book was to encourage believers and challenge sceptics.

In compiling this book, I have tried to keep it small enough so that if it was used as a tool for evangelism, it could be read in a few sittings. At the same time, it was necessary for it to be comprehensive in including information that would encourage believers and at the same time challenge non-believers and those who may be seeking.

A book could be written on each chapter and there are many such books. In fact there is so much information in the literature that the most difficult task has been deciding what to leave out and in some cases I have referred the reader to another book or website if more information is required.
I have been at pains to reference each bit of new information introduced so that it can be checked with the original source or at least be traced to the original source. The references are included at the bottom of each page so that the reader can, at a glance, see where the statement came from.
Technical terms and arguments are only used where necessary and every attempt has been made to write in such a way that non-technically trained people can understand the point being made. Images have been used wherever possible in order to provide more information and to validate that something written about does actually exist.

Comments, especially those that may improve this book, are sought and welcomed.

  • 186 full color pages
  • 196 images
  • 584 footnotes
  • schematics
  • drawings and tables

  • 250 source references
  • appendices
  • index
  • unless stated, no author’s opinions, just facts

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