In both cases the account of these events under the rule of the Assyrian king, Sargon as recorded in the Bible, have been shown to be true even in the minor details.
Ancient Chinese Culture Confirms Genesis; Part 1
Recorded Chinese culture extends back to almost the Tower of Babel. A recent archaeological find confirms the truth of Genesis chapter 3 in an amazing, powerful and completely independent way.
Archaeology Confirms Daniel 5
The Nabonidus Cylinder, is possibly the most significant archaeological discovery ever made; certainly, as far as Christians are concerned. It proves that the ancient historians were wrong and that the Bible is entirely correct.
Archaeology Confirms the Biblical Account of Sennacherib’s Death
The Bible stands like a rock undaunted ’Mid the raging storms of time
Assyrian King Confirms Scripture
Scripture is continually being confirmed by archaeological discoveries. The writing on theTaylor and the other two prisms by an Assyrian king, runs parallel to that of scripture.
Assyrian Siege Ramp
So, the Bible got the right place, Lachish; the right king with the right title, Sennacherib king of Assyria; the right time, 701 BC; and the right process, a siege ramp using large shields.
Black Obelisk
In the Black Obelisk, we have confirmation of the biblical characters, Jehu king of Israel, Omni, and the powerful Assyrian king Shalmaneser III all in the correct place and time period as they are mentioned in the Bible.
Brick making in Egypt by Hebrew slaves
The evidence presented, shows clearly that Hebrew slaves made a quota of mud bricks with straw, exactly as the Bible states.
David’s capture of Jerusalem
Apparently David new about the water shaft, so he said to his men that the only way to conquer the Jebusites will be via the water shaft …….
Drawing and writing with ink from fossil octopuses
Again we find archaeology either confirming or, as in this case, showing that Noah’s Flood is a more viable explanation of how octopuses became encased in limestone rock and preserved so well with tentacles, suckers and even their ink sacks all intact, than the evolution story.
Ebla Tablets
The Ebla Tablets have shown what life was like at the time of the patriarchs, as well as the reality of Sodom and Gomorrah and other biblical cities.
Egyptian Pharaoh Confirms Scripture in his Boastings
Shishak’s relief not only confirms the Bible’s report of his northern campaign, but also the names and places of six biblical towns.
First Century Synagogues Found; Scripture Confirmed
First century synagogues have been found. People who are so willing to seize any opportunity to bring the Bible into doubt have been shown to be wrong again.
Gallio Inscription Confirms the Bible and Dates Paul
The Gallio Inscription is an important artifact which not only confirms that Gallio was the prefect of Achaia based in Corinth at the time of Paul, but also, the inscription is a precise chronological anchor for the book of Acts which places Paul in Corinth in AD 52.
Gilgamesh’s Flood Account
Despite the excitement of Bible critics, a thorough examination reveals the Gilgamesh account to be mythology and the Genesis account to be believable.
Hezekiah, Judean king
The evidence that exists of his reign, associates, projects and the events that occurred during his time, is very strong and it confirms the integrity of the Bible.
Hezekiah’s Seal Found
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced a significant discovery on December 2, 2015; the first seal impression of a Judahite king ever found by archaeologists in Jerusalem.
Hezekiah’s Tunnel
The tunnel was discovered by Edward Robinson, an American Bible scholar,Hezekiah’s Tunnel in 1838.
Isaiah’s Seal, has it been found?
There is good evidence that the seal found belonged to the prophet Isaiah; it was found in the right place and in the right archaeological period. But it is broken in half and definitive assignment is impossible.
Jacob’s Land Allotments Confirmed
The Samaria Ostraca provide evidence of the reality of the clans and the individuals they were named after and they destroy all other theories that try to account for Jewish occupation of Canaan other than what is recorded in the Bible.
Jehoiachin’s Ration Tablets
The Bible states that the Judean king Jehoiachin was taken captive by the Babylonians but later released and placed in a position of honour and supplied with daily rations. This seemingly incongruous situation has been confirmed by archaeology.
Jeremiah’s Recording Accuracy Confirmed
Not only did this Babylonian clay tablet state the name of an official mentioned in Jeremiah, but it gives his title and the correct period of time; all completely consistent with Jeremiah’s book.
Lachish Latrine
Whoever would have thought that the discovery of a toilet would have shown that the Bible is a true historic account of the events it mentions.
Lachish Letters
The Lachish Letters add to the large body of evidence that show that the people and places recorded in the Bible were real and that the events mentioned, actually took place.
More Biblical Babylonian Officials Identified
The identification of biblical figures, with the same titles and correct time frame being found on Babylonian tablets is not only strong evidence for the integrity of the Bible, it is proof of the accuracy and eyewitness nature of the biblical record.
Naboth’s Vineyard Discovered
Strong circumstantial evidence supports the assignment of Naboth’s Vineyard to one discovered in an archaeological dig. again showing the Bible to historically accurate.
Personal Seals Validate the Bible
These seals are just more pieces of evidence that are added to the ever-growing mountain that supports the integrity of the Bible.
Samson Destroys the Temple of Dagon
Sodom found scripture confirmed
Why has there been such a desire to label the Bible account of the destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah and the other cities of the plain, a myth? Could it be that people do not like to think that there is an all-powerful God who will judge sin.
The Purple Dye of the Bible Found
The recent discovery of material dyed purple from a murex sea snail enables us to lay eyes on the exact shad of purple that was used in the tabernacle, temple and priestly garments.
The Elephantine Papyri Confirm the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah
Again and again archaeology has confirmed the accuracy of the Bible. On this occasion, the Elephantine papyri authentithicated the books of Ezra and Nehemiah by the names of prominent people and, the Aramaic language used in the book of Ezra,
The Hittites
There is no doubt that as far as the Bible is concerned the Hittites were a real people, but there was no solid archaeological evidence of their existence ……….
The House of David Inscription
The stone was easily removed and when turned toward the sun, the letters were clearly visible. In their words, “It was an unforgettable moment.”
The James Ossuary
The existence of an ossuary was announced on October 21, 2002. What made this artifact so different from the over 10,000 that have been found, is that it contained the inscription written in ancient Aramaic; “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.”
The Oldest Hebrew Script ever Discovered Supports Moses’ Writings
The Bible states at the start, that it is a written account (Genesis 5:1) and this discovery of the earliest Hebrew writing showed it to be alphabetic and available to be used for this purpose.
The Pool of Siloam
To dismiss John as historically unimportant is absurd. Now it becomes clear that the gospel of John does have reliable historical information. We have found there is such a pool, precisely as John describes it.
The Recent Discovery of the Tomb of Philip the Apostle
There is little doubt that the tomb of the apostle Philip has been discovered.
The Samaria Ostracon and the Amulet Scrolls
There exists a large body of archaeological evidence that confirms the authenticity of the people, places and events recorded in the Bible.
The Superior Technology of the Ancient Egyptians
The technolical marvels left by the ancient Egyptians show clearly that mankind possessed intelligence from the beginning. This is in direct opposition to the evolution story of humans having the intelligence of apes and then developing more.
Tiglath-pileser III’s Attack on Israel Confirmed
These two archaeological finds soundly corroborate several passages of the Bible.
Social Comment
A Faithful Servant
A faithful servant, an unknown preacher, changed the face of Victorian England with a ten minute sermon to 12-15 people, showing that God can and will use anybody or situation to bring about His purposes.
Abortion, the Cold Hard Facts
A single fertilized egg cell contains all the information required to construct a unique person with all his/her inherited features and this will happen if the cell is allowed to grow to maturity and be born.
Two important anniversaries to Christians cannot be allowed to pass by without comment.
Can a Christian Based Society Recover from Moral Collapse?
Unlike previous societies that have lost their way, there appears to be no turning back and we can only look to Christ’s return.
Christ’s second coming is getting close
Jesus equates the days of Noah and Lot with His re-appearance. We now have homosexuals taking to the streets and babies from three people. The time must be getting close.
Cook and Christianity, a 250 year Anniversary
Australia has flourished because of its Christian heritage and it all started with Captain Cook.
Does Christmas have pagan roots?
Christmas is thoroughly Christian and separate from Roman sun worship.
Easter – Lindt Chocolate is Halal Free
Since the nineteen eighties, Muslims have been charging food suppliers to pay for the privilege of having the halal symbol…
Europe’s Religious Transformation from Christianity to Islam
Europe has prospered because of it Christian origins. Now Europe is declining because of its importation of Islam.
Gay Marriage? What the Bible says about Homosexuality
Homosexuality, the practice and thought is condemned by God as it is a violation of His original …
How Christianity Made the West Great
Christianity probably has been the most important institution in the world in the last 2,000 years. It has achieved more for western civilisation than has any other factor
Islam is the problem
Many or most media outlets, both electronic and print, paint a rosy picture of Islam and refer to it as the “Religion of Peace.”
Louis Zamperini
From an Olympic competitor to a brutally treated prisoner of war, to a drunkard racked by post-war nightmares to a new life in Christ free from his tormentors; all in the remarkable life of Louis Zamperini.
Malcolm Muggeridge
Muggeridge indulged himself in the base things of this world, but he knew they did not fulfill and only when he observed the sacrificial love of Mother Teresa did he did he become a Christian and use his God-give abilities of wit and prose to support Christianity rather than to attack it.
Michael Phelps
He had fame and fortune, but Olympic gold medal winning machine; Micheal Phelps, contemplated suicide…
Mr Eternity
A chronic drunkard, born into abject poverty, turned to God and produced a one-word sermon that reached over two billion people.
Oberammergau and the Black Death
The villagers of Oberammergau gathered in front of a large crucifix. They vowed that if God would halt the plague, they would enact the last week of Jesus’ life, His suffering, death and resurrection, as a thank offering.
Shaftesbury, the Christian Crusader
Anthony Ashley-Cooper was born on April 28, 1801 in Mayfair, London, into wealth and privilege and yet, he became the greatest reformer for the destitute, abused, helpless, defenceless and rejected members of society of Victorian England.
Social Comment 3; Is Gay the New Black?
This question, which is circulating in the United States, is being put forward as a positive statement, in other words; we have stopped/reduced racial discrimination, now we must stop/reduce discrimination of homosexuals. But are the two equivalent? Does one naturally follow the other?
Tanzania defeats Covid-19 with Prayer
Tanzanians have benefited greatly from having a bold God-fearing president who instituted three National Days of Prayer and urged his people to seek the Almighty for protection from Covid-19.
Thank God for Augustine
Between Paul and Luther, the church had no one of greater moral and spiritual stature than Augustine.
The Best Selling Book of all Time Apart From the Bible
The best selling book of all time apart from the Bible is a Christian book also. It tells the story of a dream written in allegorical form of a man who leaves the City of Destruction with his destination as the Celestial City. Written by John Bunyan from jail in 1678, The Pilgrim’s Progress has never been out of print in almost 350 years. It has been translated into over 200 languages.
The Bible’s Perspective on Current Social Issues
God has given us His Holy Word, the Bible. Its directives are for our benefit and for the benefit of the society in which we live.
The Hour, Day, Month and Year of Jesus’ Death
The date of the death of many familiar historical figures is known and there is enough evidence to know precisely when Jesus died.
The Miracle of Dunkirk
The year was 1940 and the mighty German war machine was crushing all before it …. a third of a million men comprising the British Expeditionary Force, three French divisions and the remains of the Belgium army were trapped between the advancing German army and the sea.
The Religion of Climate Change
The sixteen year old High Priestess of the Climate Change religion, Greta Thunberg, castigates the United Nations for not doing anything to prevent world climate catastrophe which will happen in 2030. Is she correct?
Transgender Politics
Transgender politics is sweeping through western nations like a tidal wave. The idea is that gender is fluid and that the brain determines gender. But biology says differently.
Two religions Two World Views
An incident occurred in southern France recently, where two men lived out their religions and in doing so, left four people dead.
Faithful Servants
A Faithful Servant
A faithful servant, an unknown preacher, changed the face of Victorian England with a ten minute sermon to 12-15 people, showing that God can and will use anybody or situation to bring about His purposes.
Amy Carmichael
Amy Carmichael’s life is a testimony of what can be achieved by someone who is devoted to serving her Lord and following His call on her life.
Father Damien of Molokai
George Matheson, a blind preacher with insight
George Matheson started to go blind while he was studying for the ministry. Instead of blaming God and giving up, he completed his studies and many people were blessed through his preaching including Queen Victoria.
George Muller, What God Did Through One Man
What George Muller (1805-1898) achieved during this period, by housing, feeding, clothing and educating 9,500 starving, begging orphans is astounding. He did it all by prayer with the expectation that God would answer.
60 OT Prophecies Concerning the Messiah Were Fulfilled in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth
With over 60 Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah were all fulfilled in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth. This leaves no doubt about His Messiahship and Lordship.
Alexander the Great conquered the known world, but he spared Jerusalem, why?
The answer is that God controls world powers; He raises them up and He pulls them down. Jerusalem is central to God’s plan for mankind. It is from where Christ will reign during His millennium kingdom.
Daniel’s detailed and accurate prophecies
Because Daniel’s prophecies were so detailed and accurate, liberal scholars say the book must have been written no earlier than the second century BC. However, the weight of evidence is against such a proposal.
Mathematics Confirms the Divine Nature of Biblical Prophesies
Peter Stoner’s calculations show clearly that it was not possible for these prophecies to have been fulfilled in one man if they were just random. The only logical conclusion is that they were Divinely inspired.
Papyrus, Egypt and Isaiah’s Prophecy
Who would have expected an insignificant prophecy buried in the Book of Isaiah would come true hundreds of years after it was written.
Prophecies Concerning Biblical Cities; Ashkelon
Ashkelon was destroyed along with the other four Philistine cities of Gaza, Ashdod, Ekron and Gath. The house of Judah re-inhabited Ashkelon, exactly as predicted by prophecy.
Prophecies Concerning Biblical Cities; Babylon
The Greek historian Herodotus who visited Babylon at the height of its glory wrote of its size and splendor. Yet, it comprised people who reject God and worshiped idols; it was known for it decadence and depravity. The Lord speaking through Isaiah and Jeremiah in particular, and Habakkuk as well, said it would be completely obliterated and never rebuilt. These prophecies were fulfilled to the letter.
Prophecies Concerning Biblical Cities; Jerusalem
The precise prophecies concerning Jerusalem, being destroyed by Nebuchadnezzah, Jews taken into captivity and released after 70 years by Cyrus and the city never being destroyed again, have been completely fulfilled.
Prophecies Concerning Biblical Cities; Nineveh
These prophecies, like the others pertaining to biblical cities, are not vague, but precise. When Nahum and Zephaniah were writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit, that the the great city of Nineveh would collapse due to water inundation, and that wild animals would roam through its derelict structure, They too would think that it would be impossible.
Prophecies Concerning Biblical Cities; Petra/Edom
Esau rejected God’s way and his descendants, the Edomites, suffered accordingly. There are many biblical prophecies regarding the Edomites and they were all fulfilled right down to their eventual demise.
Prophecies Concerning Biblical Cities; Tyre
Ezekiel’s diverse and very specific prophecies concerning Tyre have come true even in the minutest detail. Again proving the reliability of the Bible.
Prophecies Concerning Biblical Cities: Summary
There are six cities mentioned in the Bible whose future was prophesised. Each prophecy was realised in every way, even in the minutest detail.
Prophesies that did not come true
Many people have been predicting the end of Christianity and the irrelevance of the Bible; Voltaire was one, but his story has an intriguing twist to it.
The European Union must disintegrate because Daniel said so
The accuracy of Daniel’s prophecy is astonishing. Remember the Rule of Thumb; Bible critics are always wrong.
Animals and plants that lived with the dinosaurs
Dr Carl Werner devoted 30 years of his life checking to see if the fossil record really did support evolution. His clear conclusion is that it opposes evolution.
Antony Flew
Antony Flew, the world’s most vocal atheist, looked at the chemistry of life, rejected atheism and announced that he believed in a God as the only possible position he could hold. It is Christianity that makes sense, not atheism.
Blubber in a 180 million year old Ichthyosaur
Tests show that biological material can only last a few thousand years in our environment. Yet more and more soft tissue is being found in dinosaur era fossils. It can only mean, evolution did not happen.
Darwinian Deception
The Darwinian evolution story is so fanciful that propagators have to resort to deception in order to sell it.
Design Reqiures a Designer
All life is incomprehensively complex. The evidence of design through all of it is inescapable. All of which points toa Designer, the One who has revealed Himself to us through the pages of the Bible.
Did dinosaurs really become extinct 65 million years ago?
We are told constantly in books, documentaries, movies and magazines that the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, so it must be true, right? Wrong; read further.
Evolution, A Scientific Fact Or an Aggressive Religion
The reason why evolution is an aggressive religion is because it cannot be defended scientifically, so adherents must protect it from being examined in every way they can.
Evolution: How scientific is it?
This cartoon, which is courtesy of Creation Ministries International, illustrates the absurdity of evolution which posits that in the beginning there was nothing and it exploded to give hydrogen which in turn produced all the heavenly bodies, our earth, water, all plant and animal life and then you and me.
Evolution?…. Impossible!
Evolution means that life has no meaning or purpose; you came from nothing and that is where you will go when you die. It has provided the reason for eugenics, euthanasia and abortion and yet, it is a lie.
God Spoke Everything into Existence from Nothing
The statement; “In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth” is intellectually credible and the only rational explanation for the existence of the cosmos and life.
Leonardo da Vinci; did he sketch a dinosaur?
We are constantly told that dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, but did Leonardo da Vinci sketch one?
Mendel verses Darwin
Mendel experimented while Darwin theorised. Darwin was embraced and Mendel forgotten until real science showed Mendel to be correct and Darwin not.
Natural Selection is not Evolution
In his book of 1871, Darwin commented, “I had two distinct objects in view, firstly, to shew that species had not been separately created, and secondly, that natural selection had been the chief agent of change..” Darwin failed in both objectives.
Radiometric Dating
The key to radiometric dating is that a radioactive isotopes normally decay at a precise rate. But there are three major problems which give inaccurate results.
The Human Eye; a masterpiece of design
As the title states; the human eye is a masterpiece of design. There is no way it could have evolved and it is an insurmountable problem for evolutionists.
When Did the Dinosaurs Die Out?
Evolutionists say that the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. It must be fact, right? Wrong!
Why evolution is impossible Part 1
Our universe is highly ordered with galaxies, solar systems, planets and moons, all rotating with perfect symmetry…
Why evolution is impossible Part 2
Chemical evolution is the idea that all of the chemicals necessary for life formed themselves from their constituent…
Why Evolution is impossible Part 3
Evolution is impossible because stereochemistry does not allow it.
Why Evolution is Impossible Part 4
Information cannot come about by chance it must be programmed into a system
Why Evolution is Impossible Part 5
Evolution is impossible because fins cannot turn into legs and then into wings
Why Evolution is Impossible Part 6
Sir Fredrick Hoyle (astronomer) and Dr Chandra Wickramasinghe (mathematician), both evolutionists calculated the chances of biologically active proteins forming purely by chance from their constituent chemicals, which is what the Theory of Evolution, in its broad sense requires.
The Bible
A Christmas Message 2016
We can only imagine the wonderment of Mary as she looked into the face of God who had just come from her own body
A Summary of the Bible in 1,000 Words
How does someone not familiar with the scriptures start readiing the Bible? Does he/she start at Genesis, the Psalms, or the book of Matthew? The reason for this summary is so that the novice may have some understanding of each part of the Bible.
Ancient Chinese Culture Confirms Genesis; Part 1
Recorded Chinese culture extends back to almost the Tower of Babel. A recent archaeological find confirms the truth of Genesis chapter 3 in an amazing, powerful and completely independent way.
Ancient Chinese Culture Confirms Genesis; Part 2
Evidence is presented that shows that Shang Di [上帝, the supreme God that the Chinese worshipped and sacrificed bullocks to for over 4,000 years, is the same God whom Christians worship.
Ancient Chinese Culture Confirms Genesis; Part 3
This, third part of the series Genesis in Ancient Chinese Culture, shows very clearly how the events of Genesis had become embedded into ancient Chinese characters and even present-day characters as well.
Antiochus Epiphanese the Devil’s Disciple
Jesus referred to Daniel’s mention of the “abomination that causes desolation” when He warned about a future event which will be a sign of the end of the age. But the reference in Daniel was fulfilled by Antiochus Epiphanes. The one event can be carried out by different people at different times.
Assyria, Nineveh and Jonah Part 1
The biblical account of Jonah may seem not quite right at first, but when it is place into the correct time period everything fits nicely.
Assyria, Nineveh and Jonah Part 2
The account of the events recorded in the Book of Jonah seem to be almost an enigma, it on its own. Biblical critics love to attack the Bible through it. But when its events are analysed with respect to history, everything falls into place.
Because There Was No Room For Them In The Inn
The picture we are presented with in school and Sunday school plays where children act out the scene of Joseph with a heavily pregnant Mary who was just about to give birth, being turned away by an uncaring inn keeper when they requested lodging, and that he finally relents and points them to a tumbledown stable for Mary to give birth to her baby. A close examination of the scriptures shows this is incorrect.
Christ’s Blood
Unexplainably, when a child is conceived, the mother’s blood is never mixed with that of her fetus; the two vascular systems are completely separate.
Christ’s cross
Jehovah Witnesses claim that Christ was crucified on a pole and not a cross. They are clearly wrong about Christ’s Lordship, are they wrong with His form of crucifixion as well?
Common expressions that originated from the Bible
The Bible was so much a part of people’s lives that many of the expressions it contained, became a common part of speech. As shown, some going back to Wycliffe’s Bible of 1382.
Confirmation of 83 People Mentioned in the Bible
The Bible has been under attack virtually from the time the first documents were written. However, the Bible stands strong and here are 83 people who are mentioned in the Bible and their verification.
Creeds, their importance
The great advantage of a creed is that it is a clear statement of belief that can be committed to memory. It can be recited in an instant and a heresy can be compared with it on the spot.
Darkness came over the land
“In that day” declares the Sovereign LORD, “I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.” Amos 9:8
Did the Apostle Peter go to Rome?
The writings of the early church leave no doubt as to whether Peter spent his final years in Rome or not.
Genesis Creation Account Valid
The Genesis creation account has long been dismissed as mearly a myth along with other ancient myths. But an examintion reveals that it has a strong structure running right through it which sets it apart from any other ancient document.
Gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection
What initially looked like a mixture of disconnected stories is really one coherent account of the most amazing event in human history.
Hard Evidence for Jesus’ Earthly Ministry
There have always been doubters of the authenticity of the Bible. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. During the last 25 years many evidences of the the people, places and events have come to light, disproving the naysayers while confirming the authenticity of the Bible.
How did everything come into existence?
Many people have struggled with this question, but there is only one logical answer.
Isaiah Was the Greatest of the Prophets
God had called Isaiah as His servant. Through him, He made the most significant announcements in world history.
Jesus’ Gift to Peter and his Fishing Partners
This miracle of Jesus is easy to skip over and to not realise the full extent of His blessing. But as this article shows, Jesus’ gift was enormous.
Lee Strobel
Lee Strobel was a hard-line, arrogant and astute investigative journalist with a nose for a good story, as well as being an ardent atheist. His life changed totally when his wife told him that she had become a Christian.
Luke has been attacked for giving people titles that did not exist, but are his detractors correct?
Mary Magdalene, Saint or Sinner?
Mary Magdalene has been presented as both apenitant protitute and the wife of Jesus. But the Bible tells a different story.
Mary, Young Woman or Virgin?
The Hebrew word used in Isaiah 7:14 is; הָעַלְמָ֗ה (hā·‘al·māh), which is Strong’s Hebrew 5959 and is defined as: a young woman, virgin. So, some Bibles use young woman and some use virgin. What’s the problem? Plenty!
Mathematics of the Lifetimes of the Patriarchs
To any mathematically inclined person, the derivation of the years each patriarch lived, from a geometric series, in the correct order, is fascinating. There appears to be no doubt that such an occurrence was divinely created; it could not have come about by chance.
Moabite Stone (Mesha stele)
The Moabite stone, despite its fractured past, revealed strong conformation of scripture and even produced a second mention of the House of David.
Monasteries, their value in preserving scripture
While wars raged across the world and libraries were destroyed, God kept the Bible in monasteries where it were protected, duplicated and even beautified with ornate drawings in such a way as to dignify the book.
Noah’s flood part 1
Of all the parts of scripture, it is Noah’s Flood that has come in for some of the most criticism. So…
Noah’s Flood part 2
Many people today think the Flood of Noah’s time was only a local flood, confined to…
Noah’s Flood part 3
Sedimentary rock is formed by the laying down of sediments by water. These sediments are …
Noah’s Flood part 4
If you were to take a bottle or a jar, fill it to about one third with soil and sand…
Noah’s Flood part 5
World wide fossil graveyards, some comprising land dwellers, marine creatures, birds and vegetation all jumbled together can only point to Noah’s Flood.
Noah’s Flood part 6
The Bible states that all of the mountains were covered with water. This being the case…
Noah’s Flood part 7
The Bible specifies the dimensions of Noah’s Ark in cubits….
Non-biblical Writings Concerning Jesus
There are 5,656 New Testament manuscripts written in Greek, more than 10,000 in Latin and more than 1,000 in other languages. However, the inquirer may want additional evidence from non-Christian sources and there are many.
Our world is designed to support life
For this is what the LORD says— he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— he says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.
Paths of the Sea
Matthew Maury was born in 1806 into a family whose lives were based around the Bible. Later in life he noticed the phrase “the paths of the sea” in Psalm 8:8. Believing that the Bible was true, he went looking and consequently changed sailing forever.
Pontius Pilate
Pilate may have been a big shot in Jerusalem but he was merely a pawn in the hand of the Almighty.
Pontius Pilate: more evidence
Archaeology has provided a deeper insight into the character of the man used by God to play a major role in releasing people from the chains which once bound them.
Prophesies that did not come true
Many people have been predicting the end of Christianity and the irrelevance of the Bible; Voltaire was one, but his story has an intriguing twist to it.
Reasons to Believe the Bible 1 – It was written from the beginning
The fact that Moses wrote the Bible’s first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers…
Reasons to Believe the Bible 2 – The process of copying
No original text of the Bible (autograph) remains, what we have is copies of copies of copies, so how can we be certain…
Reasons to Believe the Bible 3 – Creation
Our universe is highly ordered with galaxies, solar systems, planets and moons, all rotating with perfect symmetry…
Reasons to believe the Bible 4 – Genesis chapter 1
The biblical story of creation is often criticised, with many people, including liberal Christians, insisting…
Samson Destroys the Temple of Dagon
Some Interesting Facts about the Bible
The Bible is unique in all literature. What follows are some interestings facts about it.
The 1967 Six Day War
God gave Abraham irrevocable promises concerning his descendants including the land of Canaan . The promise of the land was repeated many times to Abraham.
The Acta Pilati
This document has come to light recently, and it confirms Jesus’ crucifixion, His death, and His resurrection. It was written before the gospels, the epistles (letters) and most likely before Peter preached at Pentecost. It was written by Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar to explain the events which took place in Jerusalem under his jurisdiction.
The Bible’s Perspective on Current Social Issues
God has given us His Holy Word, the Bible. Its directives are for our benefit and for the benefit of the society in which we live.
The certainty of Christ’s resurrection
There is no doubt that the man known in the Bible as Jesus of Nazareth was/is God the Son and that He rose from the dead.
The Date of Jesus’ Death
The markers that Luke provides regarding the time of Jesus’ birth, precludes the earlier date for Christ’s death. Against this, is the circumstantial evidence for the earlier date of Jesus’ birth supplied by Josephus. Luke has never been proved wrong.
The Fidelity of Mark’s Gospel
The evidence for the fact that Mark wrote his gospel after hearing Peter talk about his eyewitness experiences with Jesus and being part of Jesus’ earthly ministry and that this took place in Rome during the latter part of Peter’s life, is very strong.
The Godhead
The term Godhead is used three times in the Bible to denote the divine essence of God, which comprises three Persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit, also known as the Trinity.
The Importance of the Septuagint
It can be concluded that the Septuagint was important for preparing Greek speaking/writing Jews and God-fearing Gentiles for understanding the Old Testament and its fulfillment in Christ.
The people in the “Days of Noah”
Who were the people in the “Days of Noah”? Who were the “sons of God”, the “daughters of men” and who were the Nephilim? And why did God destroy them all?
The Seven-Day Week
The length of time for a year, month and day are set by the rotation and orbits of the earth and moon, the seven-day week with its six days of work and one day of rest was established by the Creator Himself.
The Struggle for the Bible’s English Translation
The struggle to have the Bible in the English translation has been long and painful. Now, Best estimates put the number of English Bibles printed, at around four billion. Just recently, the Bible has been translated into 700 complete languages.
The Three Wise Men
The visit of the “Three Wise Men” to the infant Christ Child played a significant part in biblical theology.
There is something different about God’s chosen people Part 1
The Jews, God’s chosen people, have remained distinct from all other people for 2,700 years and they have suffered like no other. They are also the most brilliant of all people.
There is something different about God’s chosen people; Part 2
The return of the people to the land that God promised them 4,000 years ago, and they have been disbursed to the four corners of the world without a homeland for 1813 years, is not only a miracle but powerful evidence for the God of the Bible.
There is something different about God’s chosen people; Part 3
God promised that once the Jews return to their promised land, He would not allow them to be “pulled up from the land.”
Tischendorf’s great manuscript find
In May 1844, Constantin Tischendorf, discovered the oldest completed copy of the New Testament in the Convent of St Catherine at the foot of Mt Sinai.
Was Jesus of Nazareth God?
The Jehovah Witnesses, Christadelphians, Mormons, Christian Science people, The Way and The Unification Church, all claim to be Christian in some regard but reject the fact that Jesus Christ is God. Are they right?
Was Jesus totally naked when He was crucified?
Most paintings of the crucified Jesus show Him wearing a loincloth, but was this true?
When the time had fully come, God sent his son
Everything was in place for the recording and proclamation of the message the Christ would give. When Jesus was born, the “time had fully come.”
Who Created God?
Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?
When we look at the face of Amenhotep II (pictured) we can be quite sure that it is the same face that Moses looked at.
Why 400 Years Between the Testaments?
The question is; Why 400 years between the testaments? But when we look at it closely, it all makes perfect sense.
Why are not Passover and Easter at the same time?
The Bible tells us that Jesus was crucified at Passover. This being the case, both Jews and Christians should have the same day in common, so why are they not?
Why are the Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles different?
The Bible of the Roman Catholic church differs from that of the protestant Bible in two major ways; the Latin Vulgate and the inclusion of the Apocrypha.
Why did God make creatures that bite and kill?
A typical question directed at Christians in an effort to undermine their faith. But there is an answer.
The First Pass Effect
Examples of design are ubiquitous throughout creation and of course, they all point to the Designer.
The Miracle of a Baby’s First Breath
All of the physical and physiological changes that take place when a baby takes its first breath can only point to a master designer: The Master Designer.
DNA Confirms the Bible
Although Christians are constantly accused of believing in a God they cannot see, believing in fairy tales and needing a psychological crutch to get them through, the fact remains as this article has shown, if you are a Bible-believing Christian, then science is on your side.
Evidence for the earth being at or close to, the centre of the universe
Evidence is presented based on observations, measurements and calculations which show that the our galaxy is at, or close to, the centre of the universe and is powerful evidence for creation.
God’s Amazing Creation
Even more astounding than these nano motors, is the fact that some people think that, they and the cells that contain the mitochondria with all of its incomprehensibly complex machinery, formed by themselves by the chance colliding of chemical compounds.
God’s Creation of Eve
The rib bone is the only bone in the human body that will grow again if it is removed.
God’s Prohibition of Marriage Within the Family
God gave the Law, including marriage restrictions to Moses about 3,500 years ago, the biological reason did not become apparent until the relatively recent science of genetics revealed it.
Ice Core Dating
A straight forward reading of the Bible will give the age of the heavens and earth of about 6,000 years. However, this is disputed and ice core dating is claimed to give a much older age for the earth.
Mitochondrial Eve
The Bible states that all people came from one man and one women; Adam and Eve. What does modern science say?
Much difference between us and monkeys? Plenty!
By creating mankind in His own image, God enabled humans to worship Him and in doing so, bring Him glory.
Overwhelming Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth
Evolutionists say the earth is 4.5 billion years old, the Bible says a bit over 6,000 years old. What does science say? Dr Humphreys confined himself to just sixteen measurable parameters. His work is included here because it is well researched and comprehensively referenced. However, there are many more examples.
Science Confirms Scripture; 21 Examples
Here, 21 biblical statements have shown to be scientifically sound which is powerful evidence for its Divine authorship.
The Covenant of Circumcision
Vitamin K deficiency causes hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, which usually occurs 1 to 7 days postpartum.
The Water Cycle
The Bible could not make this amazing cycle any clearer. Yet it was not fully comprehended until thousands of years after these texts were written.
What the Bible Tells us About the Earth
The Bible tells us that the earth is suspended in space, it is spherical and it is rotating.
What the Bible Tells us About the Universe
The Bible tells us that the stars are too numerous to be counted, are different from each other and are moving apart. All statements are in agreement with modern science.
When Did Dinosaurs Die Out?
Evidence has been presented that dinosaurs did not die out 65 million years ago but rather only a few hundred years ago and that they cohabitated with humans.
Why Genetic Mutations Confirm the Bible and Oppose Evolution
Mutations, genetic copying mistakes, have powerfully confirmed the Bible, showing all humanity came from one man and one woman, the reality of the eight surviving members of the Ark and that evolution is impossible.
Wonderful Water
The structure of the water molecule that gives it all the properties which facilitate life and provide for a habitable planet did not, and could not, have come about by the accidental random collision of atoms. It is clearly a product of design by the great and benevolent Creator.
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