
The name Dinosauria was first published in Sir Richard Owen’s (pictured) Report on British Fossil Reptiles, which was published in 1842. So, the word “dinosaur” wasn’t devised until 1842, prior to this date, the word used for such mighty reptiles was “dragon”.

Evolutionists say that the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Not only evolutionists hold to this belief, but it is promoted in all secular colleges, universities, all documentary programs, magazines and it is even preached in children’s books. With such overwhelming support it must be fact, right?

So, how do people arrive at 65 million years? They us a technique known as Radiometric Dating.

Radiometric dating

Radioactive elements are ubiquitous in the soil, water, and air. Each radioactive element has its own rate of decay, which has been established in laboratories. The element that decays is called the parent and the element into which it breaks down to is called the daughter. Radiometric dating does not measure dates but rather it measures the ratio of parent to daughter elements. Then, knowing the rate of decay, it is possible to infer the time the process has taken. However, there are three major and unestablished assumptions involved with this method:

  1. The initial amount of the daughter element is assumed to be zero.

        2. The rate of decay is assumed to have been constant for the period calculated which in most cases is in the order of thousands, although evolutionists would claim millions of years.

        3. It is assumed that the system has remained closed. That is, no parent or daughter elements have entered or left the system during the calculated period.

Because of these assumptions involved in radiometric dating, it is inherently unreliable.

There are many examples, some of which are listed below, where radiometric dating has given the wrong dates for specimens of known historical age.[1]

  • Rock from the lava dome at Mt St Helens, which was formed in 1986, was dated by the potassium-argon method as being 0.35 ± 0.05 million years old.[2]
  • Rock from lava flows from Mt Ngauruhoe in New Zealand, which occurred in 1945, 1954 and 1975, was dated at 0.27 to 3.5 million years.[3]
  • Wood buried in a basaltic lava flow was variously dated by carbon-14to be 45,000 years old and by K-Ar to be 45 million years old.[4]
  • Hawaiian lava flows from eruptions in 1800 and 1801 gave the following dates by the potassium/argon method: 1.41 and 1.60 million years[5]and up to 3 billion years.[6]
  • Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years and consequently, after 57,300 years, that is, 10 half-lives, if no more C-14 is added to the system which is the case with dead plants and animals there would be virtually no C-14remaining. Radiometric dating laboratories require a sample containing no C-14, for use as a blank. Such a sample cannot be found. Even in coalor diamonds, which are meant to be billions of years old, there are measurable amounts of C-14.[7]
  • Fossil wood found in Upper Permian rock that is supposedly 250 million years old still contains C-14.[8]
  • A dinosaur bone, supposedly 140 million years old, was sent to the University of Arizona for dating by the carbon-14 The tests were carried out on two samples and gave dates of 9,890 years and 16,120 years.[9]
  • Shells from living molluscs were carbon-14dated to 23,000 years.[10]
  • A freshly killed seal was carbon-14dated to 1,300 years.[11]
  • Shells from living snails were carbon-14dated to 27,000 years.[12]

William Stanfield, Professor of Biological Sciences at California Polytechnic State University, an evolutionist and anti-creationist, concedes in his book:

It is obvious that radiometric techniques may not be the absolute dating methods they are claimed to be. Age estimates on a given geological stratum by different radiometric methods are quite often different, sometimes by hundreds of millions of years. There is no absolutely reliable long-term radiological clock.[13]

Carbon 14 dating

Carbon 14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon. It is generated in the atmosphere by a collision of nitrogen 14 by cosmic rays whereby a proton and electron are ejected from the nitrogen nucleus converting the nitrogen 14 into carbon 14. Living creatures and plants take in the Carbon 14 so produced, as shown below

A team of researchers gave a presentation at the 2012 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Singapore, August 13–17, at which they gave Carbon-14 dating results from many bone samples from eight dinosaur specimens. All gave dates ranging from 22,000 to 39,000 years.

Their abstract was removed from the conference website by two chairmen because they could not accept the findings. Unwilling to challenge the data openly, they erased the report from public view without a word to the authors or even to the AOGS officers.

Soft tissue found in dinosaur bones

Biological material decomposes rapidly when it is buried or exposed to the elements. When the body of Richard the Third, who died in 1485, was discovered recently it was reduced to just bones, although DNA remained in bone cells from which ancestry was determined. Otzi, the mummified iceman found in the Italian Alps in 1991 was buried a few thousand years ago under the most ideal conditions for body preservation, i.e. sub-zero temperatures. The discovery of red blood cells (RBC) in his body was heralded as an amazing find as it was claimed to be the oldest finding of RBCs ever.[14]

Imagine the surprise of palaeontologist Dr Mary Schweitzer of Montana State University Laboratory when she cut the thighbone of a ‘68-million-year-old’ Tyrannosaurus rex (recovered from the Hell Creek Formation in Montana), in half and discovered:

  1. That its bones had not fossilized.
  2. That it had a distinctly cadaverous odor.
  3. That soft tissue was present.

When she placed some of this soft tissue under a microscope, she could see still intact blood vessels, (see the image right), which contained red blood cells showing cell nuclei. She even showed that there was enough of the hemoglobin fragments to produce an immune reaction in rats, and that the hemoglobin had the correct spectra.[15] Later, after dissolving the bone matrix, she discovered soft, fibrous tissue remaining, including blood vessels containing blood cells. The pictures to the right, show T. rex’s soft tissue as still being flexible and resilient.

The discovery was reported widely.[16] An item in US science magazine Discover was published under the heading Schweitzer’s Dangerous Discovery. The finding is only dangerous if you subscribe to the Theory of Evolution![17]

As well, Schweitzer had recovered fragments of the even more fragile and complex molecule; DNA. This had been extracted from the bone cells with markers indicating its source, such that it is extremely likely to be the dinosaur’s DNA rather than a contamination.[18]

Then came a further announcement by Schweitzer and others in the prestigious journal Science,[19] which was of substantial additional evidence of soft tissue and proteins in a piece of fossil hadrosaur (duckbilled dinosaur—Brachylophosaurus Canadensis, see below) bone regarded by evolutionary assumptions as being 80 million years old.


More soft tissue in museum dinosaurs

Since these discoveries, soft tissue has been found in over 30 more dinosaurs.[20] It is becoming so common, that researchers at Imperial College London, discovered soft tissue and red blood cells in museum specimens of dinosaur bones[21] using a new technique of high powered microscopy. One of the researchers; Susie Maidment, commented: …there comes a point when so many different lines of evidence point towards something being true, becomes impossible to refute anymore.

Because of the large number of biomolecules being found in fossils supposedly millions of years old, some scientists have conducted experiments with the aim of estimating the maximum time under the most ideal conditions in which a biomolecule can remain intact.

One such group[22] published their results and arrived at maximum survival times for DNA of 125,000 years (0° C), 17,500 years (10° C) and 2,500 years (20° C).

Since these are maximum survival times under the most ideal conditions, they represent an enormous conundrum for evolutionists, as the fossilised creatures could have lived only hundreds or a few thousand rather than millions of years ago.

Such soft tissue finds in dinosaur bones show that they must have become extinct only a few thousand or even a few hundred years ago, so they must have coinhabited with humans. Is there any evidence of this?

Drawings and etchings of dinosaurs

Mesopotamian dinosaurs

Cylinder seals were common in the ancient world. When the cylinder is rolled over soft clay by placing a stick through the holes in the centre of each end and rolling the cylinder. The impression it leaves is shown below. This one is in the Louvre Museum Paris. It is made of jasper and was discovered at Uruk in Mesopotamia, modern day Iraq.

The images of these creatures, which are highly stylised, are very similar to long necked, long tailed brachiosaurus dinosaurs the remains of which are found throughout the world.

Image credit; Creation Ministries International



Angkor Archaeological Park Cambodia

Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia. Stretching over some 400 km2. It contains the magnificent remains of the different capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century. They include the famous Temple of Angkor Wat and, at Angkor Thom, the Bayon Temple with its countless sculptural decorations.

But what UNESCO does not tell us is that amongst the many sculptures of common everyday animals is a sculpture of a dinosaur, in fact an unmistakable Stegosaurus.  as shown.




Leonardo DaVinci’s drawing

May 2, 2019, marked the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death.  To honour the occasion, the UK’s Royal Collection Trust displayed some of his work. One piece created much interest. It is a sketch in pen and ink washed over black chalk and comprises 22 separate sketches which he titled, Cats, lions and a dragon, drawn circa 1517–18’, The pen and ink picture vividly shows cats and lions in various lifelike poses. Descriptions of the cat and lion drawings all point to the fact that they were drawn from direct observations and why should the dragon be any different? What is interesting about the dragon though, is that it resembles a dinosaur that falls within basal sauropodomorphs group, such as the Lessemsauridae, Their unique feature is that their front and rear legs had a distinctive bend as opposed to straight up-and-down columnar limbs. They also had five claws, just as depicted by Leonardo (see rear right foot). The Royal Collection Trust states, “the dragon was added simply as a still more extreme case (as limited only by the artist’s imagination rather than by real anatomy).” Could such detail be fabricated solely from the mind? For the full story, go to:

A wine vessel from a tomb in Sanmenxia, Henan Province, China,

A late Eastern Zhou (3rd century BC) wine vessel excavated in 1975 from a tomb in Sanmenxia, Henan Province, China, was cast in bronze with gold inlay much of it is still preserved. It’s the stunning artistry is clear. Four animals, looking distinctly dinosaurian are featured on each side of the wine vessel. They are easily recognizable as sauropod dinosaurs due to the particularly rounded head at the end of the long thin neck peering over the edge it may very well be a depiction of a Camarasaurus. For more information go to,

An Australian aboriginal drawing of a Plesiosaur

Dennis Fields, a former missionary to Far North Queensland’s Kuku Yalanji tribespeople, told the Answers in Genesis ministry in Australia some years ago, of a story the elders of the tribe told him, of a creature called Yarru (or Yarrba). The tribe inhabits the rainforest regions, where there are several waterholes in which, in earlier days, Yarru was said to live.

There is a story of how the Yarru devoured a young maiden. The missionary asked one of the tribe’s artists to paint the story for him. The tribal artist, with very little formal education, had no knowledge of what so-called prehistoric animals looked like, and was drawing only from the descriptions handed down in the ancient stories. What he drew was clearly a Plesiosaur as shown But, evolutionists tell us they became extinct 66 million years ago.








The following examples of the coexistence of dinosaurs with mankind are taken from

Vance Nelson’s book: Untold secrets of Planet Earth Dire Dragons, April 2017. In his book, he provides 24 examples of drawings/carvings of dinosaurs which were obviously drawn by people. Eleven of his examples are shown here. His book is well worth purchasing.

1 There is an etching in natural Bridges National Monument that bears a startling resemblance to a dinosaur, specifically a brontosaurus with its long tail and neck.

2 Black Dragon Canyon Pterosaur Pictograph a Native American rock drawing of what looks to be a Quetzalcoatlus with its pointed tail and the crest on its head.









Vance Nelson actually went to the Mexican Guatemala border to obtain this photo of a carving which closely resembles a dinosaur known as Hypacrosaurus shown in the picture as well, carved into rock.


Nelson came across a vessel from the Wari culture in Peru. The Wari also known as the Huari, in Spanish, inhabited the area known as Peru from AD 500 to AD 900. The vessel had engravings and embossing of many common animals, but also a creature that resembled a Protoceratops, as shown.


The Chancay were another pre-Columbian culture from Peru. They existed from about AD 1000 to 1450. Their ceramics were extensive, and their pottery showed common animals from everyday life such as deer, camelids, dogs and birds. One of their figurines resembled a Mussaurus as shown.


A gold coin which was minted in London during the reign of Edward IV between the years AD 1471 and 1483, and is now on display in the British Museum. It shows St Michael overcoming a dragon, a symbol of Satin. The dragon shows a remarkable similarity to a Carnotaurus as depicted in the image. The ridges along its back and tail are clearly seen in the image. The legs on this dragon are perfect theropod legs showing three large toes and even toenails.


Carlisle Cathedral is in Carlisle England was built in 1122. Bishop Richard Bell was buried in the floor of the cathedral in 1496. Artisans of the day decorated the tomb with elaborate engravings in brass, with animals such as a bat, dogs, fish, a bird, an eel, a wild pig, a fox, which all are easily recognisable. However, on the brass plate at the feet of the monarch are two long necked, long tailed animals with necks intertwined. The creature on the right has a very close resemblance to a sauropod dinosaur and the one shown in the image is a Vulcanodon.







8 St David’s Cathedral Wales

The construction of this cathedral began in the 14th century and the interior about 200 years later. The back row of chairs known as misericords, displays some very interesting artwork as shown in the images. One in particular is a very close depiction of a sauropod dinosaur, if the wings are ignored.







The Book of Hours was a popular medieval devotional book of texts, prayers and psalms. There were many similar devotional books at the time each named the Book of Hours, each was handmade and were typically in miniature form. The image here is of a book dating from about 1440 showing a beautifully illustration of St George slaying a dragon. Since the dragon is shown with a horse and man, a good approximation can be made of the size of the dragon. A dinosaur of similar size and features, known as Coelophysis bauri is shown beneath.



Chateau de Chambord France

There are many magnificent castles in the Loire Valley of France. This one was built by Francois I who was king of France from 1515 to 1547. However, he commenced the building but never finished it. It was completed after his death.

Like many other kings and queens of France, Francois had an emblem made and incorporated into many of his castles and buildings. King Louis XII, king of France (1462 to 1515) had a porcupine as an emblem, Francois’ wife Claude de France, who was crowned queen of France in 1517 had a swan as an emblem. Anne of Bretagne had an ermine as an emblem. All emblems depict real animals. However, Francois’ emblem was a salamander as shown. But this salamander does not remotely depict the common fire salamanders of the area.



 Nelson comments: In the Chateau de Chambord there are over 800 depictions of this reptilian creature that was named Francois’ “salamander.” About 200 are carved onto the ceiling of one level of the castle. They are carved on to the doors. They are everywhere.



These creatures are very similar to Plateosaurus a reconstruction of one is shown below.


11 Altar cloth

The building of the Palau de La Generalitat, in Barcelona Spain, contains an alter cloth made in 1600 by Antoni Sadurni and woven into it, is a picture of St George slaying a dragon as seen in the image (credit Alamy Limited). But notice that the dragon possesses unique features; large sharp front teeth that jut forward, with smaller teeth at the back. As well, the tapestry provides the relative size of the dragon to be roughly equivalent to the horse. Such a dragon is not mythical, but rather a Nothosaurus, see image from Wikimedia commons.

The Nothosaurus is meant to have died out 230 to 210 million years ago and as stated, the altar cloth was made in 1600.


Dinosaurs in the Bible?

Job 40:15-19

15 Behold now behemoth, which I made with you; he feeds on grass like an ox.


16 What strength he has is in his loins, what power he has in the muscles of his belly.

17 His tail sways like a cedar: the sinews of his thighs are tightly knit together.

18 His bones are tubes of bronze; his limbs like rods of iron.

19 He ranks first among the works of God, yet his Maker can approach him with his sword.

The description of the behemoth (The Hebrew means, colossal beast) describes a brachiosaurus better than any other animal.


A brachiosaurus, 12 m tall, 23 m long, 60-70 tonne herbivore and fits the description of the biblical behemoth.

While an elephant and Rhinoceros do not.



Animals and birds that lived with dinosaurs

In his thorough and well-presented book; Living Fossils, Evolution: The Grand Experiment Vol. 2, New leaf Press, 2009 (pictured),[23] Dr Carl Werner provides irrefutable evidence that many of the common every-day animals, birds and plants that we see today actually lived with the dinosaurs because their fossils were found in the same geological layers as the dinosaurs. Of the museums, he visited, none showed displays of dinosaurs which included modern animals and plants, only on rigorous questioning did palaeontologists admit that this was the case. Dr Werner concluded that museums are complicit in perpetuating the evolution myth.

A sample of the animals, birds and sea creatures found with dinosaurs is shown below.


Evidence has been presented that dinosaurs did not die out 65 million years ago but rather only a few hundred years ago and that they cohabitated with humans.

  1. The 65 million years comes from radiometric dating which has been shown to be woefully inaccurate.
  2. Carbon-14 dating has shown that they were still present less than 57,300 ago.
  3. Soft tissue including blood vessels and blood cells has reduced their presence to 2-3,000 years ago at the most.
  4. Drawings, etchings carvings etc has shown that they co-existed with humans.
  5. Excavations of dinosaur bones revealed the presence of every-day creatures that lived with them.

So why is the 65 million years being forced on us? It is to support the evolution story, because evolutionists tell us that dinosaurs, the small ones anyway, evolved into birds as the schematic below shows. Their hypostasis destroyed if  dinosaurs died out only a few hundred years ago.


[1] Note: the last three examples involve sea creatures, and their incorrect dates are partly or wholly, due to the ‘Reservoir Effect.’  But this simply explains why the C-14 results are wrong. In fact, all radiometric dates which are wrong have valid explanations, most of which are due to the flawed assumptions behind the method, as explained above. The existence of valid explanations does not change the fact that the method gives wrong answers.

[2] J. Sarfati, Refuting Evolution, Creation Book Distributors, 2002, page 111.

[3] ibid.

[4] A. Snelling, Creation, 1997, 20 (1), pages 24–27.

[5] S. Austin, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, 1996, 10 (3), 335–343; G. B. Darymple, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 1969, 6, pages 47–55.

[6] J. C. Funkhouser and J. J. Naughton, Journal of Geophysical Research, 1968, 73, pages 4601–4607.

[7] J. Sarfati, Creation, 2006, 28 (4), 26-27). See also page 71.

[8] A. Snelling, Stumping Old Age Dogma, Creation, 1998, 20 (4), pages 48–50;

[9] Source:, retrieved October 28, 2008.

[10] Science, 1963, 141, pages 634–637.

[11] Antarctic Journal, 1971, 6, page 211.

[12] Science, 1984, 224, pages 58–61.

[13] W. Stanfield, Science of Evolution, MacMillan, 1977, pages 80–84.


[15] Schweitzer, M. et al, Heme compounds in dinosaur trabecular bone, PNAS 94:6291–6296, 1997;, 11 April 2008.

[16] M. Schweitzer and T. Staedter  “The Real Jurassic Park”, Earth, June 1997, pages 55–57; Schweitzer, M. H., Wittmeyer, J. L., Horner, J. R. and Toporski, J. K., Soft-tissue vessels and cellular preservation in Tyrannosaurus rex, Science, 2005, (307), pages 1952-1955; B .Yeoman, Discover, 2006, vol. 27 No 4, pages 37–41; New Scientist, March 24, 2005.

[17] Other references to this discovery are: Creation, 1993, 16(1), 9; 1997, 19(4), 42; 2005, 27(4), and 7.

[18] Schweitzer, M.H. et al, Molecular analyses of dinosaur osteocytes support the presence of endogenous molecules, Bone, 17 October 2012 | doi:10.1016/j.bone.2012.10.010.

[19] M. H. Schweitzer et al., Biomolecular characterization and protein sequences of the Campanian hardrosaur B.canadensis, Science, 324 (5927): 626-631, 1 May 2009.

[20] Other researchers had found osteocalcin ‘dated’ to 120 Ma: Embery G. and six others, Identification of proteinaceous material in the bone of the dinosaur Iguanodon, Connective Tissue Res. 44 Suppl 1:41–6, 2003. The abstract says: “an early eluting fraction was immunoreactive with an antibody against osteocalcin.”


[22] C Nielsen-Marsh, The Biochemist, June 2002, page 12.

[23] This book and volume one can be purchased from Creation Ministries International; website:


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